Friends Only

Jul 10, 2006 21:12

Don't ask me to friend you if...

...You type constantly in Net or l33t speak.
...You use the f-word every other sentence, all the time.
...You type in all caps all the time. Emphasizing something is OK, but constant caps, yipes!
...You cannot respect the opinions of others.
...You live off drama. I won't play the drama game.
...You think that you are God's or the goddess' gift to this Earth and that I should lick your boots. I won't. Get over yourself.

You don't have to share the same interests as me, it doesn't bother me. You can just be yourself, it's ok. No, I don't think I am God's gift to this Earth and you do not have to lick my boots. I like my boots saliva free. Plus, I step in some very questionable stuff. If I cut friends, it's due to them not being active at all, and I never make a big "to do" about it.

Now this is where I include a smiley to make myself seem nice.


friends only
