(no subject)

Jun 08, 2006 11:07

Ok. There's so much crap that I don't even know where to begin.

This girl who, ironically enough, got me my job, turned into a total bitch. She has been my friend on-and-off for about 2 years, but more like a casual aquaitance/friend (because she would only usually call me to ask to go drinking, implying she wanted to spend MY money for liquor). So usually I said no and I didn't see her... when we did hang out, she'd often mooch stuff off me (like the first time I met her she mooched sushi off me).

Anyway... as it turns out, I didn't talk to her for like a half a year because I became occupied with school.. Then when we started talking again near the end of the school year, she seemed ok still. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough vision to see ahead.

At work she is incredibly lazy. She does nothing. She stands around. She talks to co-workers. She invites her friends to the store (who purchase nothing) and talks to them over the counter for a few hours at a time. She goes on very long "Bathroom breaks", but we all know she is text messaging people in the bathroom. She pulls out her phone and looks at it during work. She asks for all kinds of discounts we're not supposed to have when she's on her off-days. It's also even possible she stole $50 from the till because that money was missing right after a shift where she was the only one using the register.

She also began to frustrate me on a personal level: she knew I was going on a date, so what does she do? She tells me I am not allowed off early (as if she is a supervisor and can tell me my schedule) unless I go to London Drugs and get her hair gel for her... WTF. She makes me drag her other friend, Chris, to get this so-called gel, which she incidentally does not know the name of the brand of. This gel supposedly colours your hair temporarily. Why she needed the gel instantly and so badly (she already had some in her) and why she couldn't get it on her OWN damn time, I have no clue. But she did so anyway.

Moving on. I ended up dragging Chris to London Drugs, thinking it's right next to the skytrain, so I can skytrain out to Delta (where my date was, it's like a 2 hour trip away). Since I had purposely taken no break and worked for a long period of time in order to get off 30 minutes early, I got off at 5:30 instead of 6:00, because I needed to be in Delta by 7:30.

So then, of course, Chris says that I have to go in and find the gel with him. (I being naive figured I could just drop him off and go to the skytrain right away and still be @ the skytrain by 5:40). Finding the gel proved impossible. Asking a salesclerk took another 10 minutes of waiting (stupid London Drugs). She couldn't find the gel, plus we had no brand name, because my co-worker/friend is a DUMBASS who tells people to get her things without knowing the brand name. Chris still had her bank card, and demanded we go back to the store and give it to her.

By the time I got to the skytrain, it was about 6:20. I would've been earlier had I just walked there from the store right after my shift ended and not taken it off early. That was the day I decided that was the last favour I ever did for her.

- - -

That weekend I was at a drive-in-move theatre with a friend (one of the last drive-ins in the lower mainland). We found out Chris, as well as this girl (the one I just described above), plus my friend Cliff were at the club. After the movies, we drove downtown to the club. Chris was very very very drunk. He could barely walk. Apparently the girl (who I am at this point a bit annoyed with) was planning to take Chris home to Sebastian's house. Now I know Sebastian fairly well, and I know if Chris stayed over, Sebastian will likely end up in bed with Chris whether Chris likes it or not. My friend who had been at the drive-in with me, Clint, knew that as well. So we both chorused "Ooooh no he's not going there." and we drove Chris home instead.

- - -

(I will continue this later. I have to go to work. Luckily she doesn't work today).
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