Mar 28, 2006 15:39
WONDERFUL quotes from the best weekend of my life.
"I have puppy."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, it poops in the house!"
"Hey! It's the gold-n-plump factory, it's like a concentration camp for chickens"
"I uh, like uh how, uh, pink your lemondade is"
"UH... thanks"
"no, that's not how it goes"
"Oh, yeah. (insert and andrew like voice here) Thank you."
"I don't know why I find it so funny, or so cute when andrew says 'thank you'."
"It's because your in love with him. You notice even the little things that no one else does"
(Tell me something I don't allready know)
"ASSHOLE! You have to merge into my lane after this anyways! Oh.. that was Rick."
"Have sweet dreams"
"I will, of volkswagens, and pink flamengos, and uh, of you."
"Mostly of volkswagens and pink flamengos though. No, I got it, You chaufering around pink flamengos in volkswagens. Perfect."
"This is my favorite dress. If I were going to prom, then this is the dress that I would buy."
"Yeah, You'd look really hot in that dress, allthough I'd have to say it'd look much better on my floor.. next to my bed."
"WOAH. Never jump in front of me like that again. I swear to god that I thought I walked right in front of a mirror."
"Cory's such a dick. He did the same thing to Jesse that he did to me. He's like trying out bathtubs. 'Nahh, I don't feel right in this one' ".
"Yearbook is so gay this year. The senior page is so dumb. Pictures? I mean a second grade retard could have thought of that one. (insert a retarded voice) ehhhhhhhhpictures."
"Whatever, I'm growne."