May 11, 2005 18:32
Yep, yep.. like my new icon?
well, I got icons of all three of Sephiroth's clones/sons from Advent Children, but I think that Kadaj is my favorite, he's uber cool. I can't wait until AC comes out.. oh god I'm so fricking excited, but yeah.
I have a question.. lol. This one is for Sephilis.. lol.... Who is your favorite clone of yourself..? lol.
GAH, I'm so hyper, and I have no idea why.. hmmmm, I'm thirsty, but I don't think that I really want to drink some pop ( I accidentally typed poop before I corrected it.. lol) but I'm afraid that if I do, I'll just continue to get more and more hypers!
well, I don't want to bore you, or antagonize you or anything, so I'll get my kiester going.. BUH-BYE!