a poem

Sep 15, 2005 20:51

here's a poem i just wrote i think its' good but im not sure

next thing i will post it in one of those poetry commnities to see what people think but i hope they like it i am sensitive about my poety...also i hope no 1 plagarizes it so here goes:


once upon a time there wasa a princes

in hell who  wore a black dress

she was a gothic princess like snow white

with bloodred lips &skin so pale and light

she hated the world & everything

she felt sorrow because there was nothing

her mind raged & her heart always burning

she wanted to die so she thought ill commit suicide

to end it all il'l take a subway ride

to cony island late at night when no one's there

becaus no more life i can bear

so she went to the peir& jumped in the sea

when she was drowned & dead then she was finally free

no one ever looked when she was missing for over a week

cause everyone hated her & thought she was such a freak

then her dead body washed up under the Verozano

the cops thought she must  be a murdered ho

until the coronor found her suicide note

he cried forver because of what she wrote

-the end-

gloom, sorrow, sadness, poetry, suicide

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