Feb 09, 2004 14:57
Why does shit always happen when i'm finaly getting my god damn feet under me????????? my darling husband comes into my class room at arond 11:45 this morning. and i was perplexed, he doesn't get off til 2:30. well my grandmother was visiting me telling me she was going to take the wee one to lunch tomorrow and he walks in with a guilty grin on his face. i rise an eye brow and say what's up? he say's "i got some bad news." grin still in place " i got laid off." i just looked at him, thinking he was joking... and said.. you're joking right..chuckles "no". and sudenly my world falls apart. i owe the lab almost $400, pluse bills and such, my wages are till being garnished, and we have a fucking baby coming in 22 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this CANNOT FUCKING HAPPEN!!!!!!!! i left work early in pieces, i don'tt know what to do. he assures me that he will get us through this. he's going to unemployment tomorrow and to the union hall to sign up for work. i just am sick to my stomach at the thought of all of this. i want to crawl into bed and stay there. and honestly if i had no other reason to get up i would, but i have to take care of my boy and my hubby. i know he's stressed and trying very hard not to show it and i don't think he relised how much i would fall apart at news like this but FUCK what the hell did he expect? a coke and a smile??? not gonna happen. and yet i trust him to get us out of this. i know we won't starve. he joked about moving in with his mom... not an option seeing as how we just signed our 12month lease. and i don't want to be that person who has to mooch off their in-laws. i jsut hope the union hall has something temporary to get us through this. Henri's will hire him back as soon as there is work to hire him for. but there just aren't enough construction jobs going out right now. so we wait.. and pray... hell i don't even believ in god but i hope someone is listening.... guess i should blow the dust off the ol spell books huh? :/ i jsut don't know. well the wee one wants PB&J so i must go......