Jun 15, 2005 12:44
well we had to put grandma back in the hospetial monday. she was having issues staying awake when i went home at like 8 the next morning.but any way enough with the sad stuff!
candlelighters was intresting though.i got sick both days and lisa had every one from jonathan to tim shoving water down my throat.but the dancing was fun. i danced with the bowmans saterday night and let me tell you the seriously seriously need lessions.their crow hop was jump-pause-jump-pause.and their female advisor has it out for me cause i'm well versed in all styles including beggining grass***laughs evily*** but one of the best things was one of thier dances liked me and when i hugged jonathan he went and told the bowmans he was my boyfriend,what a laugh that was,even stan thought it was funny!!! i'm sure every one will find it amusing that stan and jonathan and i got flooded out of our lodges. but that was just one of the many things that went wrong.i got sick,ALL(note the use of capitals) of my stuff got soaked except my dance skirt and one shirt. my feather got wet and dirty, i neerly broke my feather about 30 zillion times,we took down lodges in a heavy rain/hail storm making my only dry clothes wet.but all in all it was pretty fun and right now i'm getting ready to go to sun dance with leanna this coming week but any way i better go. see very one tomorrow!!!