Apr 14, 2008 21:16
So I got these 'touring/road' fenders from amazon.com. Mistake! They don't fit at all. And they are actually 'hybrid/touring,' which is completely different. So I left a rather nasty review. Sending them back would probably lose me money, so...maybe someone on CL can use them or something. It's so hard to find fitting fenders! I DO have a touring bike, even. Ahhhhh.
I been doing pilates lately. By 'lately' I mean twice now, and by 'doing pilates' I mean trying to follow a tape I got off Netflix (that I put on Netflix a while back when feeling particularly coquettish toward J's recent selections.) I don't see how those 'soccer moms' can do this stuff all day, it is exquisitely painful in my core. ouch. I did it on Friday, lifted Sunday, and when lifting was like 'ouch' 'ouch' 'ouch.' But I did 100# on butterfly, which I am very proud of even if I didn't do the whole 3 sets at 100. Bench is up to 50, has been a while, not moving up very fast now. A clue: I started benching at 25 last summer, and 12 years ago in 9th grade could only do 3# weights in each hand doing a reclining butterfly. Was a wimp.
This week: Education day tomorrow (insulin, pain, IVs, wound care etc), and then ACLS Weds/Thurs. hee.