Dec 16, 2009 10:01
How many times am I going to have to hear it before I do it?
How many times am I going to have to hear it before I believe it?
How many times am I going to have to hear it before I trust it?
How many times am I going to have to hear it before I understand it?
Through all the turmoil in my life over the last several months all I hear is "Focus on God".
Every book I am reading says "Focus on God".
Every bible study I do says "Focus on God".
Every scripture I read says "Focus on God".
Every song I hear says "Focus on God".
Every time I pray, I hear "Focus on ME".
I was at the point of screaming. How can I focus on God and resolve all these problems. You see I have a tendency to want to resolve problems in my life, not ignore them. Pretty natural way to be, right?!? I thought so to until I realized that the problems were distracting me from God and from what I know God wants me to do with my life.
It has taken me a while but I have realized that I can't always fix my problems when other people are involved. Focusing on God in the midst of turmoil turns the problem over to Him. So books, bible studys, scriptures, songs and prayer were right on the money. If I give all my attention to GOD, there is nothing in me left to dwell on the problem. When I turn the problem over to God and let it go, it is no longer my problem and God is much better at working things out than I ever will be. When I focus on God nothing else seems to really matter. When I focus on God love will consume me and pour out from me, nothing can touch that!
I have learned a lot through these tumultuous times. I have learned that I can't fix everything. I have learned that changing who I am to please others is not the answer. I have learned that sometimes we have to go through things to help other people. I have learned that I can't withdraw from life.
I now know that Focusing on God puts my life in balance. It does not fix the problems, but it sure does make them seem insignificant. Focusing on God allows me to react to problems from a place of love. I am still human. I still get hurt, cry, and get weary. But God restores me and lifts me back up, He gives me strength to go on and not be defeated.
I am weary and tired. But I am focusing on God and strength seems to come when I need it most.