Wordpress.com vs Child Torture Victims
Yeah, I can't believe I had to write that out either. Seems WordPress.com in all its corporate neutrality has taken to
taunting a survivor or child torture by arbitrarily giving and taking away her right to speak out...then blaming her for not following Wordpress.com's ToS. So classy and mature, innit?
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Is there a way we can help by contributing server space or donate funds towards helping her set up her own site to host the blog?
Thanks for the idea, bb.
And as shitty as Wordpress.com's behavior in this may be, as a private commercial entity they do have the right to arbitrarily make the rules for how their blogs are used and censor whatever they want. :(
No, I totally agree that their arbitrary is their right. I think their outright petulance and mockery of waywardradish's concerns are completely unprofessional and unfounded though.
The other option is to not use WP at all, I bet we could find someone who could code a simple php blog template that she could use, and then the software would not belong to anyone else!
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