Damn it, damn it, damn it. This is bullshit. I can't believe--
I just need a bath. That's it. The longest bath of my life. Ugh, I'll probably end up getting some sort of disease just from contact. Damn it.
How hard is it to have a working bathtub around here? Jesus Christ. This has to be at least the fifth time the hot water's cut out in this apartment.
Even Jet knew how to make the hot water stop shorting out after four times, and he was a moron. This is just ridiculous. All I want is a nice, hot soak, and this is what I have to put up with? The world really is coming to an end. The least you people could do is find me some good bath crystals to make up for it.
Speaking of the world coming to an end, I hope none of
you idiots did anything stupid yesterday. Not that it would be a shock to the system or anything, but it'd be interesting to get proved wrong for once.
private to Elle | unhackable:
Tell me we're still on.
[ooc: Pot calling the kettle black for sure. Faye is bullshitting to the highest degree due to
this nice experience. And, no, she probably ain't gonna talk about it. Strikes deleted.]