Give me superduperpowers!!!

Jul 22, 2004 00:35

If I had the power to do so, I would make at least 90% of the world gay.
I truly would.
I sojourned to Provincetown, the gay Mecca of Massachusetts, and that point was emphasized for me not simply because I'm bisexual, it's because of a conviction that gay men are more empathetic, artistic, interesting, caring, creative, imaginative, considerate, socially conscious, loving and, of course, playfully salacious. In my experience, gay men are far less likely to commit violence, to be bellicose or aggressive, or even to be disagreeable. Few gay men I know are racists, fascists or bigots.
Now, generalizations are usually quite silly and often wrong, but I’ll gladly dig up some statistics from Edge and Out to quote some (biased) sources.
Those who bestow negative characteristics to gay men tend to make those characteristics the same as those generously attributed, by chauvinists, to women: Dramatic, catty, gossipy, impractical, silly, overemotional, fussy, weepy, etc.
I looked at the packed streets, full of cheerful, well groomed people on a Monday evening, and felt a conviction that there would be little in the way of war, famine, and crime if the rest of the world was a bit more like the people in that blissfully teeming street.
If only I had The Power…
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