Jun 15, 2008 07:53
day 5
i sit at early Mass this morning,
the homily a cold hive of bees
murmuring you are called to be a disciple
while i rock in the pew.
i'd love to say that i conjured a Correggio
or Velasquez that i saw in the Louvre
or the Hermitage, but i'm not even faithful enough
to sit quietly today. today is Father's Day,
i think of my father, and how when i was 4
i had gotten lost at a park in Chicago,
it was maybe 4:30 in the afternoon
and i did not know where to go.
and my mom was out of sorts, crying,
and my dad found me, and he was laughing
saying to his friends, my son
asked a hot woman in a bikini
for help.