Aug 09, 2005 13:29


i just read that entry that David's "mom" (she prefers to be called "mom" in quotation marks for some reason...? w/e) and it's basically the lowest thing any mother could ever do. breaking into an account (not even her sons, but some other kids) to vent her feelings about her poor son. or maybe i should write it "son". i mean, you talk about how you don't want people all up in your "buissness"? then don't fucking post about it on livejournal.

of course, i know very little about the situation, but from what i hear (and read, thanks to David's "mom") this was a one time offence. in my opinion (which i suppose isn't very valid, but still) being a mother comes with certain responsibilities. mainly, don't ever give you child any less love for breaking a rule. NEVER.

i know that grown ups nowadays never give children ANY credit. they think we are just going out every single fucking night and smoking up or getting drunk or sleeping around. which may (or may not) be true (depending on the kid). but the point is, that we aren't dumb about it. We stay out of oncoming traffic when stoned. We dont drive drunk. We use protection. and we keep ourselves safe.

of course, you could easily point out that this is none of my buissness (which, i suppose it isn't) but it's kinda retarded to post something you don't want other people involved in on a PUBLIC JOURNAL.

oh, and if you try and say that you wrote it to "explain", well, sorry but that just doen't make any sense. cause, it definatly doesn't make anything clearer.

i guess my point of this is basically.

do not ever desert him.
or give up on him.

P.S. MQ?
chill out. you and David are like, really close friends. at least you were last time i checked. don't just give that comradarie up for some stupid misunderstanding. seriously.

p.p.s. David's "mom"

you ought to learn to spell.


(I'd say soething about your bitches, but it looks like you ATE them.)
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