Looks like I'll only be posting publically when shit's goin' down!

Jul 02, 2010 14:04

vom_marlowe has an excellent post and links round up here about the incredibly ablist and unthinking accessibility!fail currently going down around VVC.

Didn't we go though something rather similar to this last year, at least in regards to the triggers warnings? And is it seriously so exhausting to have to stop and go "oh hey, just because this con is easy and accessible for ME, doesn't mean it is for everyone. How can we learn and grown from this?"

I'm going to repeat something I said a lot last week: all people are people. All people deserve to be treated like people. The words you use and the actions you take, whether on-line or off, make it very clear how you view others.

SERIOUSLY GUYS: let's just treat others how we would want to be treated. Let's try and think and view other people as people.
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