Jan 19, 2005 20:50
Wow! My first on-line journal entry. I think a few of my friends will be so proud. The suggestion to do so was given to me a few times while in Mexico, but I just didn't have the time or modivation then to do it. Now, at least, I have more modivation, but who knows about the time. Plus there's always the fact that I am a very private person, so I don't know how this thing is gonna work out. Having said that, here goes nothing...
My life is boring. Right now all it consists of is going to class, doing homework, and wasting time until I have to go to class again. I guess that's most people's lives, though, eh? Work, wasting time, work, throw in a few random excitements and that's life for ya. Honestly, I feel like I'm just stagnant. I have so many things I want to do and so many places I want to go, and so many ideas that I want to share and explore and spread and I'm not doing any of them. I'm stuck in this blackhole of college education doomed to repeat the same monotonous cycle of lectures and paces between dorm to class to class to dorm over and over and over again until I graduate (which, by the way, seems like it will never happen). And for what? "To prepare yourself for life" says the society we live in. But isn't that the entire concept of life? Aren't we always preparing for something bigger? Elementary school to Middle School, Middle School to High School, High School to College, College to work, work to retirement, retirement to what? Death? Isn't that a pretty boring way to end this incredible expreince on Earth? What's all the build-up for, then? I think it's time to start living day-to-day. Yeah, I know, that's hypocrytical since I am going to continue the whole college education thing, but is there a happy medium? Can I go to school and "prepare myself for life" while still enjoying the simple daily things that happen simply because they're there and I can? Here's hoping.
For example: Last night it snowed. Overnight we got about 2-3 inches that reamined on the ground all day. And all day everyone on campus scurried to and from classes manuvering for a space on the narrow walkways that the grounds-keeping had so kindly plowed for us first thing this morning. Tonight, as I was coming back from dinner I was following a by now nicely cleared path back to my dorm when I caught myself. Just how many times do I see snow annually? Well, not many. And how much does snow fascinate me? A lot, actually. I am truely captured by the concept of how snow is formed and how unique it is and how it can be soft, yet frozen. So I walked across the snow-covered grass for the sheer simple joy of it. Now that's what I'm talking about!! Yes, I did like a good little student and went to class and learned and am "preparing for my future," but that's not all I did. I enjoyed something that most people overlooked in their eagerness to get out of the cold, or fear of being late to class, or loss of memory of how exciting snow made you feel the first time you saw it. I hope I never forget things like that or get so wrapped up in "real life" that I forget what life is really about.