das ist geleaked. private demos.
und das finde ich seehr traurig, weil die karen das wirklich trifft.
runterladen werde ich es nicht. das gehört nur ihr & dave (who the fuck is dave?).
Good grief, can't say I don't feel a little
grossed out by someone taking a
liberty with music that was mine and
Dave's. Shit happens nonetheless.
All I can do at this point is offer up a
recommendation... if you happen to
get your mits on one of those old
demos floating around MY personal
favorites and the ONLY ONES I would
have released for anyone to enjoy is
"Pumpkin" and "Snakes and Worms".
The rest I probably would have pitched
or buried for while longer. No use
bitching about something that's out
of my control.
Chin up,