Heart of Crystal
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of? brought to you by
Quizilla yAY! thats pretty..anywho..this weekend was pretty fun. i had a great time w/ brent *sigh* we are so hot..i love it! its kind of crazy how my dad's name is bREnt and my stepmom's name is JaMiE..lol. i miss them :( oH mY!!last night michael told me he loves me..WTf?? he goes..im in luv witchu booh..lol im not sure about being anyones "booh" much less ghetto ass thug in houston.i met him in rehab for goodness sake! he was transferred there from jail, where nick happens to be right now..man i sure know how to pick em! why am i attracted to fucken losers? its like ill find a really nice guy but, within a week im bored and end up w/ some shit head. which is why im really excited about brent b/c he's a nice guy w/ the right motives. or as far as i can tell they've been right...but who knows. i guess it wont hurt to find out. aNyWAys..im gunna go watch tv b/c i really cant think of anything more productive to do. ;) pEACe OuT hOmiEs!