Feb 22, 2007 14:03
I said it out loud that I hope today would go fast...I've cursed it, perhaps for all of us.
I've been assigned to a project that sucks. I was working on it yesterday and any of the claims that needed research done and info couldn't be found I put in a different queue just to be told today that I had to research all of those queues. So much for trying to blow off the BS work.
I applied for an Admin Assist job yesterday (heard that one before? I think I've been saying it for at least 6 months now)...we'll see what happens, or typical, we'll see nothing, hear nothing at all and tomorrow you'll see again that I have applied for another new job. I've stopped holding my breath, stopped crossing my fingers. In fact I'm pretty much just frustrated with this whole job search. It's worse than my apartment search from last year.
Maybe I should just say screw it, screw paying off some bills before I go back to school and just go. Get it over with...rip the bandaid off. I'm tired, bored and unmotivated.
'Hello Dead End, I'm Samantha how do you do?'
Things I need to do this weekend include one thing and one thing only...go get Autumn's oil changed. La de freakin dah.
I am so very sorry for my blase' blog, I just need to write. I need some sort of communication during the day, not that I haven't been chatting it up with certain other co-workers who are in the same boat of desperation as I am in, I just have a harder time keeping focused.
I keep having strange dreams about someone who has been out of mind for quiet some time now. It's weird what the subconscious does.
I beleive I need a vacation. But I don't have the PTO and in order to get the PTO I need to be here more than I want to be. How unfair!
This girl needs a nap.