Jun 04, 2007 01:49
People are people nothing else.
I just have to keep telling myself that....
Gah, I'm sick; so sick of being treated like shit.
If you have a problem say it to me, but don't belittle me and be a bitch about it. Say what needs to be said and move on.
Fuck you ASSHOLE.
My dad has yet another girlfriend... at least this time it is acceptable because the divorce was finalized a few weeks ago. Still, he has been dating this woman for 3 months ( according to him) and that is known as cheating. ASSHOLE!
I find myself more upset as the weeks pass by...irritated almost.
Fuck you fuck you fuck you.
And I'm sick of ex friends trying to finally be real friends again... I don't want FAKE... only what is true and REAL. It is tough having to always look over your shoulder to make sure your FRIENDS are being honest; so that is done with.
What I need is to find a way not to hate... be angry...and mad... and depressed anymore and that means making some changes. Right now, those changes are hard, but I know in the end it will be alright because as of now anything is better than it is right now.
Things can improve.
Right now I'm in the pursuit of happiness.
Till then I'll be seeing you.