Jun 25, 2005 19:23
Zodiac sign:
Where were you born:
Where do you live:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
How tall are you:
What is your worst fear:
Would you ever date me:
Do you like me more as a friend or girlfriend:
What do you like most about me:
What do you like the least about me:
Would you ever ask me for my number:
Are you goin to call me after you complete this:
If we went out, where would we go:
Do you smoke:
Do you drink:
Do you cuss:
Do you use drugs:
Have you ever or will you ever steal:
Do you play in a band or play an instrument:
Do you have any tattoos or piercings:
If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be:
Do you suffer from depression disorder:
Have you ever killed another person:
Are you they jealous type:
Are you a paranoid person:
Do you get mad easily:
Are you a violent person:
Have you ever cheated in your past relationships:
Are you a virgin:
Do you like biting:
Are you kinky:
Do you own a car:
Can you drive:
Would you let me ride with you:
What is your ideal girl:
Would you kiss me:
Do you like it when the girl makes the first move or do you want to:
Would you ever ask me out:
Who do I remind you of:
What do you do for fun:
Ever had a 3 some?:
Do you want one?:
On a scale from 1-10 how sexy am I:
Have you ever had a 1 nite stand:
Would you consider yourself a man whore:
Are you bi, straight, or gay:
Are you single:
Would you tell your friends about me:
What about your parents:
What is your ideal date:
Describe what a perfect day would be for you:
Ask me 5 things that you want to know about me:
Do you want to get to know me better: