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Apr 29, 2006 18:26

seems a while since i updated, i can only really blame it on my laziness and the evils of dissertation. but yes, i'm not dead, although i've not been out and about in manchester that much. spent a fair bit of time in sheffield which only having 2 hours of lectures on a thursday afternoon and 2 on a friday morning allows me to do.

spent the first week of easter writing the dissertation, managed to get it all written by the tuesday of the second week although most of the time was spent sifting through all my source material again. after much re-drafting it was finally handed in yesterday although god knows what jeremy tambling will make of it. my uncle was very sweet and sent me a big parcel of holmes type stuff. david claims i'm 'the son my uncle never had' coz i like books and wine and david doesn't really go in for that.

easter was spent at home, fairly quiet. ruth took over the bedroom and moaned about how many essays she had to do without actually doing them. popped back to manchester with liam to see goldfrapp at the ritz who were AMAZING. i was gonna wear my sparkly red shoes but decided in the end that my feet just wouldn't be able to cope. sound at the ritz was much better than coxon although i could have done without the bloke who does the xfm breakfast show introducing the acts in a moronic mid-90s manc way.

had a trip to london with ruth on the thursday of the last week to do the camden crawl with sam. arrived mid afternoon, met nick to collect tickets and then wandered round the british museum for a bit. then walked round soho and covent garden before getting the bus which goes past loads of london sites to sam's. think ruth was impressed. spent most of camden crawl in the electric ballroom as last year proved that it's impossible to move between venues. saw the young knives, larrikin love, shit disco, plan b and dirty pretty things. spent most of the evening drinking pints as they weren't as extortionate as spirits, saw sadie frost who was tiny and looking shockingly rough and then went to woody's grill for fit kebabs (i promise such a thing exists). the plan was to go see pink grease at koko but the queue was stupily long so just ended up getting the night bus home. bumped into a just-turned-30 nick at the bus stop and offered to sing happy birthday but he declined. did portabello, baker street, oxford circus topshop and soho with ruth on friday before running across town to put her on the train. saturday was the zoo in battersea park, drinks with sam and the boy in clapham and then spent the evening at nick and paul's. back to sheffield on sunday to collapse in a heap.

went to clique last night, simon price was djing and he was awful. damien and ian are much more fun. jack turned up and decided to talk to me. don't think i'll be getting my money back, think i'm one in a long line. it was just rather nice to tell him how great everything is at the moment seeing as he was such a complete shit when we were going out. left about 2am for a trip to spar with ruth and then drunkenly clmbed the 9 flights of stairs to james'.

so yes, things at the moment are good. the dissertation's handed in and my first exam's in 3 weeks. can't believe everything's over in 4 weeks. :S but i got my popular narratives essay back yesterday and got 78% for it which is amazing as i thought i'd screwed it up coz of the dissertation stress. i've never got over 68% for an essay and wated to get at least one first before i graduated. very happy i got a mark that's quite a bit over it. :D job also seems to be sorted, just a few details to finalise. seems i'm doing the summercase festival in barcelona and madrid mid july so that'll be fun if a bit scary. it's the weekend after graduation so it'll be a treat even if i do have to work. must get the passport renewed though. all that needs sorting now is a flat for ruth and i but it can wait til after the exams.
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