Title: Convenient (Or the questionable use of sheep)
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur with mentions of some disturbing couplings.
Warnings: Contains mucho crackiness, far too many brackets to be considered healthy, the over use of sheep in various and disturbing ways, the word convenient being taken advantage of and Gaius breaks the fourth wall. IDEK!
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Actually properly laughing - trying to stifle my outbursts into my pillow with great difficulty
It reminds me of my writing - but a million times better, funnier, etc. (don't get offended - my comments hopefully aren't an accurate representation of the height of my writing skills) - it just feels really cosy reading things similar in higgledy piggledy and brackety-ness :)
I love it
I love the breaking-the-fourth-wall element and the way you pointed out all the flaws of the episode/show in general (the CONVENIENT Jonas positioning - and conversing with his tail - brilliant!)
But what would Merlin be without its flaws?
The plot holes etc. are only an issue with eps like The Witch's Quickening where there's no comedy to fall back on and you're meant to take it seriously
Your bit about flatulence was spot-on - are the writers not aware that their key demographic is/should be slash fans? Young children/boys should no longer be on their radar.
Also loved the capitalised "Plot" coversation :D
The asterisks were brilliant but annoying because of all the scrolling up and down it entailed - maybe [square brackets] or something next time? Or some kind of hi-tech hyperlinking?
Anyway, other than that, I'm IN LOVE with this
Sorry for the long commet
Just loving your writing
Sorry - hope you're the kind of person who likes/doesn't mind long comments! I have a problem with always writing too much.
I also LOVE your gifs and your icon! The actors on this show have the greatest facial expressions EVER. Especially Bradley and Colin. I love those boys!
And of course Merlin wouldn't be Merlin without its flaws. Its part of why I love it so much! The writers are absolutely nuts sometimes but yet it still makes for one of the most amazing shows ever made. :DDDDDDDDD
Thanks again for your wicked comments. I look forward to hearing more from you! :D
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