i *heart* robin
auvergne clean: i dont have anything to say to that except that it just made me smile :-) kinda like
that :P
LiLMissBloo: yay robin smiles
LiLMissBloo: thats pretty hot too
auvergne clean: haha
auvergne clean: wanan make out? AWW JEAH
LiLMissBloo: does that mean we can makeout tomorrow?>
LiLMissBloo: ohoohoohh
LiLMissBloo: you totally read my mind
LiLMissBloo: damn..theres still no room in my profile
LiLMissBloo: damn damn damn
auvergne clean: bahahah
LiLMissBloo: naked pics???
auvergne clean: hold on let me hook up my web cam!
auvergne clean: do you remember when you and I would do the hand motion of "I love you" to eachother?
LiLMissBloo: i already owe you enough as it is
LiLMissBloo: =)
auvergne clean: you dont owe me shit.
auvergne clean: except...
auvergne clean: well..
auvergne clean: you know.
LiLMissBloo: awww yeah
LiLMissBloo: /porn music
auvergne clean: tomorrow would be perfect.
auvergne clean: we'll be at emilys house.
LiLMissBloo: YES
auvergne clean: so we can steal some of her toys.
LiLMissBloo: oooh yeah
LiLMissBloo: sweet rainbow action
out of smokes..again - and not feeling like going to the store with my quarters.
maybe tomorrow.
definitely tomorrow.
i'm going to have to take my alchie to work with me - yummy. warm bacardi.
drunken bike riding perhaps...?
scanners hate me.
installation cds or downloading the drivers would help...
but they hate me too.
finish up this level and then its off to bed.
i think i may skip the interview tomorrow and just sleep in.
i hope robins tatoo goes well.