Feeling Strangely Weird, no change there then

Oct 19, 2006 12:49

It's Thursday today, which means my supervisor is on holiday and I can do a proper update from workins. However, the receptionist is off too, which means I am once more womanning the fort until Monday (joy) although this does mean I get some Tinternet time.

I'm feeling a bit weird today. Seems nobody is coming to the weekend get-together, as nobody has replied to the previous post, so I will just have 
notdan, Tree, who is coming to stay til Monday morning, and maybe Andrew (friend of mine and Kenney's) turning up, and of course the delectable
musoholic will be there too. Perhaps I may also get Rich if I can somehow get hold of him - my work computer has deleted him from my email contacts, which is mightily annoying.

I spoke to
_tonylee_ on msn last night and found the conversation very inspiring in terms of GET OFF YOUR ARSE AND WRITE SOMETHING WOMAN. I intend to start taking my laptop into work, so I can type a chapter (or even half a chapter, hell even a sentence would do, I havent written anything decent since the April wibble where I went back to Bradford...) on my lunch break and maybe on the bus home if I have enough battery.

He also did a bit of reassurance on the wibble I have been having recently, which is that one day I will wake up and realise I am not as good a writer as I think I am.
musoholic also helped with this when we talked about it the other day.

Then I have to start looking into getting something published. Eeeeepness.

I've found a Creative Writing PhD at Manchester Uni, which I want to apply for, but I've had to email them to see if it's worth applying, as I don't fit their entry requirements. I dont have a First or Upper 2nd degree in English. However, I have a lower 2nd in Creative Writing and a MA in Writing Studies, so that should count for something, and if it doesnt I shall throw a strop at them and send them performing squirrels by post which will eat their paperwork, shred it into nests and build little squirrelly homes in their English department. That should learn 'em.

And I am REALLY REALLY REALLY wanting some liquorice. Catherine wheels for preference, although the plain cylindrical ones from the Bassetts liquorice allsorts would suffice.

Am in a really weird mood today. Have no idea why. Meh.

Oh and in other other news they re-buried (for the third time) Juan Peron today. Was fairly interested as I saw Evita starring Jonathan Pryce and Antonio Banderas at the weekend. Oh and some woman who couldnt sing as well as Elaine Paige. :D Rioting in the streets of Buenos Aires as the trade unions tried to get in to see his casket and touch it and stuff. Hmm.

Edit: SQUEE!!! I appar to have missed a reply saying
uselessinfomine and
knightbird are coming over for the weekend too. Yay! Guys, arrive on Saturday if you dont mind, thats when most peeps are coming.

meh, edited squee, stuff, juan peron, weird moods, writing

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