Fast Fiction: Nine Mens Morris

Apr 25, 2008 16:20

Title: Nine Men's Morris
Word: litigious
Word Count: 250
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I thought it would be different. I’m still expected to make the coffee, hand round biscuits, file paperwork. Radcliffe snoozing in meetings and Harker - that litigious bastard - winking across the courtroom in session. Hell, I even got jokes about being in session.
Not any more.

Harker was the first. Loved making jokes about strangling in red tape and being tied up at the office.

Then Hetherington. Said he’d keep an eye out for me. Now he can keep two.

Green, the rat-faced hound. Cheated me out of the office on the top floor; they’d even started painting Joanna Morris, QC on the door. I’m glad he got it. Marvellous view, all the way down.

Woodford said everything I did was pointless. His letter opener had a point, though. Rather a good one.

Thornton, the quiet one, least until he turned into an arse. Just said “Still waters run deep!” I guess he knows that, now.

Jones next, the new guy. Rude comments about the environment being run down by those of us with flash cars. Not just the environment.

Kingsley tried to shag me once. Said it was a ‘new girl’s joke’, part of the drill.
Took me ages to find a drill.

Dawes. Salt instead of sugar in his coffee. Arsenic is a salt, isn’t it?

And Radcliffe. I’m sorry about Radcliffe. He loved those marshes, out by the castle. Nice old buffer in his way, but out of date. Filled up with mud.

It’s rather quiet in here. 

fast fiction 2008

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