Friday: The Angel to see various peeps, followed by the Fenton to see Reth and
hyper_violet, followed by Hospital Radio with
pinkapeshead. Much dancing was had.
Saturday: Football, first half poo, half-time shag short by necessity but ace, second half passable, full time shag excellent, then a particularly good nap. Then home, changed, attempted to go out and was thwarted by taxi-driver of doom ("I don't go to Chapeltown"), then a rather more succesful taxi journey. Cabbage with too many people for me to be arsed typing, much, much dancing was had. Then home, taking
the_lupine_one with us, we proceeded to break his brain with too much information.
Sunday: Filthy, filthy text messages. I love them. Then to Hyde Park for food, then on to the Fenton. Much filth was spoken here too, with
_sswitch_ and
claire_j amongst others. I really should learn not to talk about what a big perve i am, but where would be the fun in that? Then on to the Phono for to see Fudge dj, once again much dancing was had. Also much moustache and mono-brow hilarity. I should really have gone home then, but i wasn't tired, so ended up not actually getting home till 7.30 this morning. Ah well, i actually feel more refreshed after my 3 hours kip in a bed not my own than i normally do after 8 hours in more usual surroundings. Odd.
All in all quite a busy weekend, but i don't feel as drained as i normally do on a Monday. It's making me almost wish i wasn't staring boozing again this Friday. Only almost mind.