The bloody rooms...

Mar 16, 2009 14:06

I have moved into a new apartment with a kickass roommate who is into horror just about as much as me (he has already ordered carpet that looks like someone was slain on it, sqwee!)
The apartment is amazing for now, and having a place for all of MY stuff is even more amazing.
The roller coaster that is my relationship is still strong... The backlash from all of it was tough but much easier to work through then I thought it would be.
Starting a new scary chapter in my life is amazing and I hope that this is for the better.
Ryan is coming home next weekend and we are to fly to New Orleans shortly after that. I owe him big for getting me outta this hell hole they call California.
I find myself getting really excited with picking out decor and making the apartment ours. We rock.
But, yeah. Im doing well.
I cant wait for Ryan to get here... My sister will be here too.
Its going to be a good few months.
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