Sep 01, 2007 10:29
What would your wish be?
Today my one wish would include something to do with helping erase for all those declaring themselves female, that desperation we learn to feel made sensitive to every second that goes by while we are told to fear the wrinkles, the fat, the grey hairs. This all just makes more insecurities in all kinds of ways topped off with society teaching us very nasty, jealous lessons. I would wish to end all this "Beauty" competitiveness with each other that is insulting to all us grrls, especially because too many times it is all over fighting about some male trophy. Today I just wish it would all just ~GO AWAY~.
Also I had to put my dog Mattie down a few months ago now. I was sad and still am for my own loss and for my dad's but I ~am~ relieved her pain is finally over. She's been with me and pop for almost as long as I've been able to make memories. Her essence is like a smell that has soaked in to every piece of me, and I can breathe her in whenever I choose. And besides, she never did smell like "dog" anyways.
I needed to get out a few weeks back and wrangled the truck away for a night of Industrial dancing at Zaphods. Dancing can help when I am feeling so low and upset about Mattie and about the world too. Music helps even when how stupid Bush and his crew makes me cry it is so frustrating. My music all loud and shit can help ~So~ much but I bet you think that's goofy, butHow is it each time I go back there are hours of new music, ~amazing~ new music, but nobody I ever talk to knows ~any~ of it? I even got a play list from the DJ and she said she would post others soon and I recognize hardly any of it! Where do these awesome acts come from and how is it our DJ gets so much orgasmic industrial All The Time? I am certainly not complaining that's for sure! And Sarah thought she died and went to electronica heaven she said she had not heard stuff so heavy but still so clubby!
But now that I've gone around, you know, other cities and stuff, I wonder how no other city seems to ~Ever~ play any of it playing retro crap or that one Combi-Crhist song or gothic rock and glam rock instead and it's ~Bullshit~. May be I am just not going to the right places? It's weird tho that's fo sure. And if anyone is acting like a know-it-all, and shit I hate Know It Alls almost more than cheaters, tries to be all knowing and tells you Industrial is dead out there or that they cannot dance to it you should send them to Ottawa for a Tuesday night of music education and our city will show them what's what. =D I can't help but be more than a little happy that our DJ knows or plays or has worked with, like ~Every Band I LOVE~ and she always plays a whole mess of this new music on the nights I go at least. On Top of it all she's a female and I know it might seem silly but I feel more than a smidgeon of "Girl Power" when I think about it =D I really love music it makes me way too excited like now and I end up sounding so goofy but whatevah I got This Morn Omina and you don't! HA =D