Jan 29, 2002 22:22
"..You will not escape the justice of our nation"
Justice being that of murdering old persons and innocent civillians, not allowing red cross food drops, and imprisoning "terrorists" in subhuman conditions?
"...never forget those that gave their lives for freedom.."
So people who didn't give a flying fuck about the U.S. who died because of some terrorists agenda were giving their lives for freedom?
And if you are invading another country, with no evidence supporting your "Reason" for invasion of that country..how are they defending freedom? Wouldn't the soldiers be taking it away?
"..these enemiessee entire world as a battlefield."
Yeah, and I see the entire world as a resource that I can exploit for money and power.
"...eliminate terrorist parasites"
Who? the US? the CIA? *grin*
"....protect US and world.."
because herh herh, America is soo much more important than other people. Yeah, equality.
"..The U.S. will not allow countries to harm us with the most destructive weapons on Earth."
No we won't, because we'll use them first...they're called capitalism...terrorism...exploitation..wage slavery...
"Any cost it will take to 'defend' our country we will pay.."
Yes, we will take money away from schools, social securities, and other insignificant funding projects like improving urban cities and getting rid of polution so that we can have more ray guns, pump up our nuclear bomb production, and increase the invasion *Cough cough, achem* defensive budget.
"..encourage..faith based programs." - because White people have to get exempt from taxes and more money to keep our saved christians segregated
"..we want to be a nation serving larger interests than ourselves..."
yep..oil pipeline, and war to boost approval ratings...really minding others..respecting human life
"I know we can overcome ebil with greater good!"
Yes, them damned unsaved non christian non white people will be gassed! and we'll send the rest off to boot camps so we can have them kill more unsaved non-white ebil people.
"We have no intention of impossing our culture."
No we do not care about our culture, we simply want to exploit you, make money, and keep your citizens under our heel.
"We seek a just, peaceful world.."
Yes, with my nuclear weapons, my ray guns, my bombs in outerspace, my aerospace fighter program, I will be able to rule the world and hence there will be peace. Anyone who doesn't agree will get ot talk to the ghestapho..err...Secret Services rather.
"..we've demonstrated the forces of terrorism cannot stop the momentum of [taking away people's] freedom."
"..unique role in human events."
Wait..weren't the japanese using suicide bombers 60 years ago or so?
"Ebil is real and it must be opposed"
Yes, so we will produce more munitions, get our military spending up to an all time high, reinstate the draft and invade as many countries as we can before we have to start tactically nuking countries who threaten our death grip on the world...