I miss being on break.
I spent my time off last week, tanning, at the beach and shoppping with the hippest grandmother I know. (She won't wear any perfume but Chanel & sleeps in a different house every weekend, she has 4!!) I love her sense in fashion. She is always giving me the most beautiful vintage clothing from her closets!
Now it's back to the boring & bland days of school. Ahhh! Ugg! I hate it. I have like 3 term papers to work on, a video project and 2 presentations. The worst part of school is all of the STRESS!
I long for those lazy, hazy days of Summer. I cannot wait for the Cruise to the Bahamas that my grandparents have arranged for me and my cousin to go along on with them. I want to get TANNED!!
I need a job too. It's been a month since I quit my last one. I need spending cash! It's like an addiction, this disease I have with shopping. It's unbelievable. I save every quarter, dollar, anything. I have even succumbed to selling some of my old clothes back to consignment shops for that extra bit of cash. I even have some items for sale up on VIP's boutique. All new stuff, I never had the chance to wear.
Well I gotta go meet some friends now and try to work on some homework. Blah. So boring. I may bring the latest Vogue to read as well. *I'm so bad*
And I need to start saving $ for these killers shoes I saw at Bloomie's this weekend. .. *drool*