
Jun 07, 2005 20:10

Well, it's been nearly a month since I last posted but that's because I've been playing :D

After the final release of finishing that flippin Cert Ed course (and having had an email saying that, subject to external modification, I passed!) I needed some 'time off'. Time off 'doing' for the sake of it, 'doing' for other people, 'doing' to meet a deadline, in fact, just 'doing' full stop. With the sole exception of a couple of commitments I had to put off while I was doing my course but needed doing.

A bit of a break before I get cracking back on with the arjournal course, for fear of running out of momnetum if I pushed it too soon.

So... what have I been up to? This and that and nothing much. 'Pootling' I believe is the technical term. Had a week off for half term and played World of Warcraft - got my little gnome to lvl 16 and my warrior to lvl 22, so I'm quite proud of that. Nerdy, yes, but it's an achievement and I enjoy it. Did some painting - nothing too grand, just some background ideas I've had floating around my head for a while and wanted to get out onto paper. Played with a few nerdy computer things that wouldn't interest anyone, but I found fun. Caught up on some of my journaling. Made some cards for gemini friends. Caught up on reading some blogs and forums I've been absent from of late. Cleaned (yes, you read that right - cleaned) the house. Just one room to go but unfortunately it's the room I lovingly call 'the pit' - the hardest one to do as that's where everything accumulates - project for the weekend I suspect. So yes, just pootling around really, getting on with things I want to do rather than have to do. Creative stuff mostly with a whole lotta nerdiness thrown in :D

The upside being I discovered a few abandoned projects I had thought I'd lost, found a few more I thought I hadn't :o and came up with some ideas for things I want to get round to having a play with at some point.

My diary is clear other than things I feel like doing at the time, once again and I feel sooooo much better now! I'm liking my new 'to do' list because it really isn't a proper to do list at all... it's a post-it note, stuck to the wall, with bits of scribble all over that mean nothing to anyone but me. And to me they mean I have my life back again to do whatever I want.

It's a good feeling.
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