there are people who like to get me things for my birthday. while i am not actually a big fan of telling people to buy me things, I do understand that a) people tend to like me and b) people tend to like to buy things for people's birthdays.
on my birthday I will be just as happy if you come out to the Cup in Linden to the rock show that Tigerlily is putting together, but if you are someone who simply just has to buy me something, I have a wishlist, that I started keeping mostly because I browse the website and want to keep track of things I like (and at the time when I first put my wish list together, I totally missed the section where I could just put together a list of favorites, and not actually put items on a registry).
my makeup registry. so yeah, i'm a bit of a makeup whore, i suppose. it's fun and sparkly and makes me smile, and who doesn't like a fun and sparkly and smiley anna lawrence?