(no subject)

Jun 02, 2011 00:50

I really should start posting more often. I can't believe it's been almost six months (more?) since my last entry. Anyway, I've been really sad and stressed out lately, so this clearly calls for a list of all the things that are making me happy.

* X-Men: first class. A friend invited me to a premiere and we went to see it yesterday. IT WAS MADE OF AWESOME. Really. I had zero expectations so it was a nice surprise. I had so much fun and it pushed absolutely all of my buttons in terms of the kinds of stories I like. Michael Fassbender was great as Magneto. I don't know, it's been ages since I had this much fun in a movie. It had its issues, like the whole superhero genre has, especially with female characters, but it wasn't so much that it killed my utter glee at the whole thing.

* Planning my vacation. This year I'm finally traveling to San Francisco. It's been on my to do list for a couple of years now and I hadn't gotten to it, but I'm finally decided. I don't have that much set yet, except that I'm going at the beginning of august and that I'm swinging by A's new apartment in DC along the way. It's not exactly practical, but she already told me I couldn't visit the states without going to see her. I figure is as good excuse as any.

* Season three of White collar and the new season of SYTYCD. Summers used to be pretty barren of TV for me, but now I have shiny shiny new seasons and shows to entertain myself. Season four of True blood should be fun as well. I have mixed feelings toward the show and I think it's pretty terrible in a lot of ways but Eric and Pam make all of the suckiness worth it.

* The bonus tracks of Vices and Virtues and Brendon and Spencer's antics on their current tour. They're so ridiculous and endearing, they never fail to make me smile. The bonus tracks were a nice surprise. I didn't think I'd like them this much, but I've been hearing them non stop for the last week.

* gk-remix and all the fic that's been posted and the ones still to come.

* And this fic: their love laughs at locksmiths by eudaimon, from her outlaw bikers AU, with Nate/Brad being perfect, a wonderful atmosphere and the ethereal feel her style lends to her writing. Just lovely.
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