** I've been on a popslash kind of mood lately. Reading some of my favorite stories from the fandom and remembering why I loved it so much. There were so many gifted writers and amazing stories. Case in point,
this. Live from the Apopalypse by
nopseud, an absolutely epic adventure about Nsync after the world ends. It's a wonderful tale that manages to build a fleshed out universe where all of the boys are tested but remain very much them to the end. It was a WIP for the longest time, but
nopseud finished it, and it was worth all the wait and then some.
** A lot of the authors I read popslash from, I've seen on the SPN fandom or bandom. It made me think about fandom migration and if there's something in common between the fandoms you move to, or if it's just random, and if when you run into people you "know" it's just a coincidence. I haven't actually reached a conclusion about it yet. I know there are things in common between my favorite characters in each of the fandoms I've been in, but I don't know if it's the same for other people. On the other hand, I mean, the similarities between popslash and bandom are pretty obvious, but QaF and popslash... I don't know. I tend to think there's something that ties it together, but don't know what.
** The other thing that's eating my brain lately is Adam Lambert. My flist has been going insane about him, and I keep thinking "my thoughts exactly". I've been a casual watcher of American Idol in the past. But this season I was absolutely addicted, and it was all because of Adam. I think the thing I love the most about him is how, on stage, he is this snarling, in you face, absolutely larger than life creature, but when the lights come on, he is this absolutely sweet, well mannered incredibly gracious person who never took praise for granted. Also his voice, WOW. But don't get me started on the "is he out" debate of 09, because honestly, I don't think I've wanted to strangle so many media types in such a short time EVER, and I'm a journalist, so I tend to cut reporters a lot more slack than your average person.
** Just one week til big bang. Both SPN and bandom. Everything's been so quiet lately, that it's like the calm before the storm of fic goodness. Still, don't know how I'm going to have all those stories a click away and still you know work. Lucky for me, monday's my day off.