1st week back at PLU...

Sep 08, 2006 23:18

Hard to believe it's been a week already. Let's see, first of all my room is almost all put together. I got my extra closet rod and mug rack in the mail the other day. The closet rod I put up today and rearranged my closet. I also have a nice bulletin board up and an over the door mirror. It definitely feels like my room now and that's exciting! The rest of our apartment here in South is coming together well too. We picked out posters for the walls the other day, and then tonight two of my roommates brought back a slip-cover for the couch and some other things. I think they want to put some kind of curtains up there too...which I'm ok with as long as it doesn't make the room look like a granny living room. As for my room, I need to work up the motivation to tear down my ugly imitation mug rack (hooks stuck to purple pieces of paper, hung up on the wall with stiki-wax), and put up the new one (which will be a considerable amount of work with screws and all).

As for classes, I like all of my classes and have friends/people I know in all of them. My religion class seems like it will be fun...except for our readings in this boring book on 8 theories of religion. The prof for that class is really nice and she's from Portland, so that's kind of exciting. While I have that class with my friend Amanda, I also happen to have it with one of my worst enemies....a girl named Megan who was in Pflueger last year. As for my PR classes, they are good and fun...so far I don't find Diane Harney that intimidating or the class too daunting...but that might change. Other than that I have my publishing and printing arts class, which is quite an interesting class too. The prof for that class is also really nice and has a very animated way of speaking that keeps you entertained. I have this class with a girl that was in my english lit class last semester, and also with another girl who was in Foss my freshman year.

As far as guys go well...it's pretty much the usual. I hung out with John for a little while last Saturday night and that went well. However, the clingy guy still won't leave me alone! I saw him when I was working out the other day and pretended that I forgot what room number I was and that I hadn't gotten his messages on my phone. I don't like having to lie and be mean, but if that's what it takes to get him to leave me alone then I have to suck it up and do it. I also saw him today on my way to class, but it wasn't that bad because I was with Amanda. I'm hoping he'll get the hint soon though...because I can't keep having to do this all year. In other guy news, this one guy that is now an RA in T-Stad (and was an RA in Foss my freshman year) is now single. He's a really good guy, but I don't know if he's exactly what I'm looking for. The real reason I'm mentioning him in here though is because we had a good talk the other night when he walked me back from the UC. He was trying to give me some advice about how I should take a risk and ask someone out myself, instead of waiting for others to come to me. Also that I should just take it slow and not take it so seriously from the beginning. Good advice, but I'm not one to take that kind of a risk. Right now I really don't know what I want. I'm kind of in the middle, and I blame all the wrong guys I've come across for that. I know it sounds bad, but after going through all that it's hard to decide whether I want to be in a relationship again or not. I see the good and bad parts of both, and then there's the fact that I really don't want to add to that list of guys I regret getting to know and/or being with.

Well, that's pretty much it for now. I mean other than classes and light reading homework I've been chilling, working out, and Thursday night was the first taco night with two of my other roommates (we've decided Thursday night is taco night). Tonight has been kind of boring, as all I've done was watch tv and now write in here. Tomorrow I'm going to the first home football game, and it's against my sister's school. We beat them last year, and I hope we beat them this year so I can rub it in when I talk to her next.

Well, more later,

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