An update...cuz it's been a long while

Aug 11, 2006 20:44

So I know it's been a long time...but things are pretty much the same. I'm still working a lot, but making a lot of money. I had two weeks of 8 hour shifts recently. Those were hard, and I still have more of those coming. However, this week and next I have two things that I haven't had yet. The first is tomorrow where I'll be making root beer floats instead of my usual tasks. They are going for a dollar each to support the MDA, Muscular Dystrophy Association (at least that's what I was told MDA stands for). Then next week I have 3 days off in a row! I was going to go to the coast with my parents...but then again there'll be more sun here and I need to get tan. I also need to put songs on my IPod and start practicing singing again. I haven't sang all summer and I'm sure my voice is somewhat out of shape....I just hope that all my hard work on technique hasn't gone out the window.

Almost forgot to mention that at work I might be employee of the month...still waiting for them to make the announcement of who is...but I know I got two votes. Also, no I didn't vote for myself because I think that it is better to win when others vote for you. I mean I've also only been there for the summer and I'm not that high up on the corporate ladder and all. We'll see what happens though...if I got it I'd get a day of with pay, and $100 dollars towards the store (in addition to the $25 dollar gift certificate I have now from having my card drawn...they give out these cards when employees do extraordinary work and I had 4 of them in there).

Other than that, I had someone come to visit me! My friend Jeff was down here for the races at PIR at the end of July with his cousins. They were staying in Vancouver so I went up there, picked him up, and brought him back to my house to hang out. I still need to hang out with Audra and Lily. John's still calling me every week so that's been pretty cool. I call once in a while...but not often...because a girl shouldn't be calling all the time...I mean I do have a life and it's just more interesting that way. However, I can't seem to get rid of Josh. He keeps calling every few weeks, and he's so boring to talk to. Plus now he's living in South Hall next year. I think that I'll just have my roommates tell him I'm not there if he searches me out. Also I'm just going to stop calling him back. I'm too nice...that's how I get into situations like this. I swear that next time I think someone's even remotely interesting I'll do more research about what they are like before I end up talking to them and such. If I don't I'll end up with more clingy guys like Josh.

My ankle feels like it's pretty much all healed...but I got slight whiplash from a ride I went on at Oaks Park with my cousins. I've iced it though so it's much better now. It was so weird to be at that amusement park again after so many years. It's still pretty much like I remember it, except the haunted house ride changed to a tacky, stupid Lewis and Clark's Big Adventure...which has no narrative and just it's pretty much pointless. Oh, and if you're wondering which ride gave me slight whiplash, it was the Spider (formerly known as the Octopus). Me and my cousin were sitting far apart and we must have pulled on the bars a lot, and I think that makes it spin really fast. I had to look down or my whiplash would have been worse. It was scary though and it was the closest I've come to feeling really sick on an amusement park ride.

I've done quite a bit of shopping for school clothes...but I still have more to do. Have to find cute boots, some cute belts, more cute tops, get the idea. I'll also have to buy some things for the apartment in South Hall of course. Can't believe it's almost fall. My sister leaves in a week for school, I have two more weeks of work, and three more weeks of summer...where did the time go?

Also almost forgot to mention that my cat Sammy has what looks like a slightly deep cut on his cheek...probably from a fight he got in. Still it scares me though and there was blood on the floor near the family room. My mom and I couldn't find him earlier and I just found him an hour ago when he finally came out of whereever he was hiding. So I have to take him in tomorrow morning before work...even though I don't work till 11. Which means I still have to get up early and don't get to sleep in. I'm worried about my cat though, and I'm the only one who can do it because my parents have a wedding to go to. So keep my cat in your thoughts...I'm hoping it's nothing serious. It just made me feel so sad to look at him, because I felt sorry for him.

Edit 8/14/06: My parents took my cat into the vet on Sunday and it turns out the cut was infected. Also, it appears that he was chasing after some little critter that turned on him and bit him! He still has two of the teeth embedded in his cheek, I guess they thought it would be too painful to remove them but they think they will fall out on their own. So we have to keep him in for 5 days, and he has a little blue plastic thing around his head so that he won't scratch his cut. They also had to shave the fur around that area, and he's on antibiotics that he has to take twice a day. Also, tonight he threw up so that was real fun to clean up. I feel bad for him though, and he meows so much because he wants outside so badly.

Well, more later,
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