Thoughts on River Song pt Ia

May 21, 2011 16:29

 OK, so I heard from somewhere that Rory and River have some kind of connection. Since I can't even remember the source, I'm wondering about the ratio of fact to fiction in that rumour but I've also been thinking about the outcome if it might be true. I'm not being big-headed but I've found nothing to disprove it, so I'm putting my speculation under a cut in case it's a spoiler.

So, we know that River killed "A Good Man", right? It's been said a couple of times by several characters, and like me, you've probably taken that to mean she kills the Doctor.

But what if it's not? What if she kills Rory? Of course it doesn't explain who DOES kill (or maim) the Doctor, but in the era of Moffat nothing can be taken as read.

There's been a running theme of Rory dying almost every episode. Some of fandom are laughing at it, and I have to admit, it's wearing a bit thin with me, but what if that was partly the point? A good man who puts his faith in others (The Curse of the Black Spot), ignores his own self-preservation drives to save others (Cold Blood) and waits two millennia for the girl he loves (The Big Bang)? If that wasn't enough, he's a bummin' NURSE - his day job is literally saving people's lives. I don't think there could be a better man than that.

Someone wrote on a Doctor Who comm that they felt Rory was being forgotten, and someone else replied that actually, Rory's been pushed to the forefront this series, whether it's how Amy reacts to him, or how he indirectly Saves The Day. Either way, it can't be too farfetched to believe Rory is the "good man" that River kills. Not sure how yet, but it's totally within the realm of the series.

omg spoilers!!1!, thinky thoughts, speculation, doctor who is amaze again

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