I'm watching 'We ♥ Robbie: Top 20' songs on 4music. People seem to be gearing up for his comeback, and there's a sort of air (as much as there can be across the media) of worry over what that comeback will be like.
For me, Robbie was never not going to stop being a star. He's one of those rare things - a natural born entertainer - even in this age of celebrity. Take That are back and doing brilliantly, but as a fan a both, they know have very different audiences and styles, and it'll just be the bands feeling which steps on old ground. Take That produce beautiful melodic rooftop sounds that seem to sing right to you, and Robbie can put his voice to a plethora of genres;
his jazz sound is something that needs to be heard, even if you're not a fan of the guy.
I'm excited about his new material, and chuffed he's back doing his thing, and I hope I'm not alone in 'never forget'ting his star status. He'll be back where he belongs - in the limelight - before we know it. And that's where he's meant to be.
ETA: I just found Take That Slash :S. Internet, sometimes I hate you.