The moment Craig Dean stepped out onto that tarmac to the tune of
Dayvan Cowboy on the 1st of September 2008 sent shivers down my spine as I watched the moment I'd been waiting for for three months; an event so joyous that much of the day was spent giggling into my shirt sleeves and making cryptic notes detailing how I wanted it to happen whilst under the watchful eye of my supervisors at work.
This icon denotes that moment in time. The first we saw of CD's return, and boy was it good. It lasted less than 4 minutes, but I lapped it up. I lapped it up from that moment he stepped out of the taxi.
I can't use it very often, because seeing as it's got a name on, and one from a little-watched show at that (especially out of British waters), it's rarely relevant to comment or individual *winks at
uptight_* but I deleted it once and I felt lost and much more bothered than I care to admit.
It was back in my userpics before three minutes was up.