Jade Goody.

Feb 26, 2009 11:00

This house has just had a very heated discussion comparing Jade Goody and the people who appear on Jeremy Kyle. My housemates seem only too happy to judge those people by what they're wearing, what they say. "Look at her [whatever], she's disgusting!" and others like it are all regular expressions when Jeremy Kyle is on.

I asked them how they could judge people so harshly based on the way they looked like that.

In a counter-argument, they brought up how I'd judged Jade Goody, something they see as being exactly the same.

I've judged her, because in my personal view, I believe she's milking her problems to get as much money as she can. Anyone who even considers dying on television clearly has no dignity. She's not the only person to ever get cancer, and while it's sad that it's now terminal, this happens to people every day. And they go on about their lives trying to stay happy for the last part of it.

I mean, look at Jane Tomlinson. An inspiration to so many people. She raised £1.5 MILLION for CHARITY, despite having terminal cancer, and was awarded a CBE for her efforts. She was told in 2000 she had a year to live, and yet she remained an active capaigner until she died in 2007.

THAT is someone to be proud of, someone who should have filled the hearts of the country's citizens rather than a reality tv star who sold her soul to get plastic surgery and a perfume deal.

How Jade Goody entered the nation's hearts I don't know. I'm afraid she's not in mine.

stupid people, people are dicks, telly, housemates, the next big bandwagon, public post

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