I learned to appreciate huggies this week

Jun 11, 2005 18:25

Lauren and I went to a house where some people we know live which people call "The Farm" yesterday for a show. Twice. Once at 4ish to discover nobody was there and after talking to Ben realized it had supposedly been called off. Went to Jacob's house, got on his computer, talked to Zach, found out the show was delayed until 6:30. Went to Kelley's, picked her up, ate at Taco Bell, went back to the farm, this time there were people there. HOORAY!
However we just missed Thomas Function play. Boo.
2 other bands played. They were entertaining.
Overall I had a pretty great time there.
And then we picked up Amber, went to Wendy's, and once at Matt B's it went downhill from there.
Details are pointless. This update is pointless. Today feels pointless. I'm done babbling.
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