Jul 28, 2009 11:20
Let's start from the beginning.
Three months ago I felt a couple of lumps in my left breast and went to the doctor. When I got there I was prodded at and told that it's Fibrosystic Breast Disease. Nothing to worry about, I just had to change a few things in my diet and I'd be fine.
As that month continued, the lumps grew, one of them significantly and became painful. I made another appointment to see the doctor about a month after the first one. This time I'm told that it looks like an infection. They cut me open right in the room to drain the infection and gave me a supply of antibiotics.
For the past two months I've been cleaning and packing this wound (It has to heal from the bottom up so it can't just be stitched closed). But it doesn't seem to be improving, the pain only seems to be increasing. Yes, it's draining nicely, but the pain is pain and hurts like hell.
It's about time that I head to the doctor so that it can get a once over and make sure it's healing okay. The nurse takes one look at it and says she's going to get the doctor.
This was this morning.
He gives me two options, he can set up an operating room now and do what they call a punch biopsy and a through cut, which he says is going to hurt like hell. OR, they can make an appointment for later in the week, sedate me and do it then. But I'd have to spend a day recovering in the hospital. With Gavin packing to leave next week and Madelyne... I really can't afford to spend a day recovering in the hospital.
So again I'm cut open, leaving me with 2 wounds to take care of now and a breast wracked with pain. I can't take my pain pills until Madelyne is asleep for the night because they'll knock me out and I need to be up to take care of her. I'll get the results of the biopsy Friday or after. I have to go back tomorrow for a breast ultrasound and to have my wound checked.
So hey, doctors? Could we maybe have done this shit 3 months ago? What if it is Cancer? I'm really going to have to find out a week before my husband leaves for a year? I'll really have to deal with that alone? It's not like I'll be able to move back up to CT or PA to be with friends and family because the doctors and free health care are /here/.
With Gavin leaving next week and now this? I'm a little more than stressed.