(no subject)

May 06, 2010 23:27

So, the fan fiction thing has come up in a very strange fandom. It keeps rearing it's ugly little head, and honestly, I am getting a bit sick of it. Espeically since I am, at times a Fandom Writer. And proud of it. I love my fan fic, across all of the various fandoms I write it.

As a Fandom write I would like to point out a few things, that I think authors should know, so incase anyone stumbles on this. Here goes.

# 1. We write in fandom , becasue many times, you leave us with more questions then answers and we are tying to fill that void.

Sometimes, authors can do a poor job of anwering every question. The questions behind a motiavation or, a look even. A single sentance will set off a fire storm.  Fan Fiction is a way for us to be able to answer those questions for ourselves. We are unsatisfied with what you have done, and we wanna expand and add. I.E. Murader Era fic.

# 2. Charcters in book become family, we weave stories as such.

Jamie Fraser, is the one man in my life I know better then any other. I am going to take the time to sit down and talk about him in a loving way. His story s so much more then what is printed in the books, and I can give it a little more life if I am able to write.

# 3. We make no money, we don't want to, and chances are we are going to go out and spend GOBS of money on your books.

And seeing you at Cons, and going to signings to bask in your glory and being forced by book stores to buy books to get signed. How on earth is writing something that friends read decreasing your profits?

# 4. Real Person Fiction is that, Fiction.

I do not think any of the real people, i use are like that. They become charcters, who happen to act, look like, talk and have the same job as a real person. But they are not that person. Alexander Skarsgard will never date Rudy Reyes, but my fictional one will.

# 5. if you base a charcter off of one from a TV show from years ago. your entire serise of books is fan fiction.

Just saying. Just Saying.

I could honestly go on and on about this. But I won't. I just hope some kind of understanding. I think Authors should write in fandom to understand what, and why we do what we do.

fandom, fan fiction argument

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