You guys, this Yu-Na and Brian situation is breaking my heart. I just don't know what to think! There are so many conflicting stories, and everyone's blaming everyone else, and I really don't want to think any less of Yu-Na or Brian, but someone somewhere's got to be in the wrong, right? August really has been a shitty month for lowering my opinion of Olympic champion skaters, that's for sure.
New photoshoot of Adam makes it marginally better, though!
I love this photo, he's all 'yeah bitches, just chillin' at a black tie event... ON ICE'. Also if any skater did a programme dressed like this I'd probably combust, although I suppose it isn't very practical.
Inception fandom is still my happy place right now. You've all read
Towards Zero, right? If not, RUN DON'T WALK. It's seriously the best thing I've read in the fandom so far, and it's the first Inception fic that I marked on delicious with my 'best ever, words cannot express how much I love this' tag. (To put it in perspective, I only bookmark those that I really like, and out of 290, only 27 so far have earned it. 20 are SGA stories, go figure.)
Whatever, here's a picture of JGL perusing a library for your viewing pleasure.