Mar 19, 2005 13:05
well.. abercrombie pissed me off so much and stressed me out to the point of almost no return.
i lay down the line last week stating that i WILL NOT WORK so NOT to put me on the schedule UNTIL i call them and tell them i feel like working. i got way too stressed. i think because i got another job while working there and going to school.
i am a hostess for a model home now. i make a very nice amount of money. i make more here working 3 days a week than i would working 20 hours overtime at abercrombie. so yeah. fuk you abercrombie.
i had a very eventful spring break having nearly died twice.
first incident:
went to cook off with chris and friend. had 3 8oz drinks. first one being rum and coke. actually more like a splash of coke. it was ok, it looked to be the equivilant a shot and a half. not bad. the second drink is the one that screwed me over. im not sure what it was. someone that my friend worked for gave me the drink, so i trusted it. it tasted really weird. kind of like shit. not exactly strong, just crappy. well, a couple hours later, i had this fuzzy navel that came out of a machine.. so that was fine. then.. after i got to some tent, i rmember blinking a couple times.. then nothing. i woke up the next morning at about 5:30am in a hospital bed with this uncontrollable urge to pee. they told me i had severe alcohol poisoning and that if i hadn't have thrown up (which i also do not recall) i would have slipped into a coma and died. they also told me that i could have been drugged/poisoned. they didnt test for EVERY drug out there, there are too many, they only tested for the most common ones so they told me not to rule out a drug as a possibility. sooooo... that was weird.
then there was the rodeo incident.
dawn invited me out with her mom and some of her moms friends to the rodeo. they had this awesome super stretch limo. nice mini bar. had a BLAST at the rodeo. super blast.
well.. we drop off the first lady in kingwood. as soon as we exit her street and pull up to the first stop light, this black BMW pulls up from behind us right next to us on the right. she gets out of her car and just looks at us.. we take notice and we are all like, haha, that's weird! looks like michael jackson! aerosmith! just messing around. we couldnt tell if the person was a man or woman, but the thing had big black poofy hair, and gigantic aviater glasses.. like huge ass spectacles. we didnt think much of it. but when we finally got to spring.. we pulled into a gas station over on treswig cause dawns car was there and she was going to take me home. well, as the driver was opening our door, someone pulled up behind us. we didnt know at first but then here comes that lady with the huge glasses. well, our driver had opened the door and dawns mom was fetting out when the lady stepped out of her car. the driver pushed dawns mom back in the car and stood there. the lady asked the guy, "am i supposed to get in there?" and he said no, and he had this seriously confused look on his face. when i looked back at her i noticed somethign in her right hand, and i think everyone else noticed it at the same time i did. it was a shiny silver gun. they all started chanting gun!!! and i started bagging on the window screaming at the driver to get back in the car. he ran and hopped in and just sped off. we were all yelling and i was screaming everybody down!!! i think me and dawns mom were screaming that.. not sure. i think they were all laying down anyway.. a couple of us kept peeking back up to see if she was still behind us. we could hear our driver yellin and hollerin, "she's right on my ass!!! she's speeding more!! she's right behind me!!" i called 911 and i was trying to talk to the lady. i told her we were heading east on treswig, there is an armed woman in a black BMW follwing right behind us and that were were going to head north on cypresswood to i-45. well, i guess i was talking rather fast and she told me to tell everyone to be quiet, but i didnt work really, i told her like 3 times that exact same thing. i finally handed off the phone to dawns mom who got everyone to calm down. she talked to the sergent. the first lady kept asking us to pull over. PULL OVER!?!? are you kiddng me??
yeah right. that's not gonna happen. well, we lost sight of the person a while down cypresswood. we found a police officer that had someone pulled over one the side of the road so we pulled over with him. he escorted us to on of the ladies houses and then he left. dawn stayed at my house that night.
WHAT A WEEK! so now it's the end of my day here at the wonderful world of Darling Homes and i think i need to end this.
i missed everyone so much, i just never had time for this. i hate myspace... i dont really like it there, i like it here much better because f the privacy options. it's nice. i really missed writting in this journal. i think abercrombie had a little too much of me. i didnt have a day off for a whole 3 months. nice huh? yeah, i thought so too.
well, what has everyone been up to??
i hear our very own truly is getting married? is that truly???? if so congratulations!! im veryyyyyy happy for you!!!
and if im right i thought i read somehwere that ashly is going to be getting her very own apartment with michael?? that's so awesome, i wish i could say the same for me and chris. in fact, i almost can, i was supposed to be goign to look at a house today, but i was sidetracked at work, so i didnt really get a chance to, that and it started POURING down rain. so yeah.. he got a really good job. finally. and that's just where he is right now.. out at work, been there for a few days now, probably a couple more weeks...
well, i have to leave now..
shutting down the office, i have so much to write but no time!!
see you all later!!
MWA MWA MWA!! ive missed you all!!!
sorry to hear about things kelly, im really sorry