I suspect that you'll find it also goes nicely with lunchtime and evening coffee, and with bedtime hot chocolate. On any day of the week. Some things are always right.
I had the same thought myself this morning! I haven't yet had chance to see whether I can do anything glittery. Obviously, I don't want to obscure the Lovely JC too much...
I haven't cut between two different pictures in the animated one, but I suppose I could. And the vignettes are v.funny, but I'm not sure that I would actually use them!
I suspect that you'll find it also goes nicely with lunchtime and evening coffee, and with bedtime hot chocolate. On any day of the week. Some things are always right.
He's a handsome devil.
I had the same thought myself this morning! I haven't yet had chance to see whether I can do anything glittery. Obviously, I don't want to obscure the Lovely JC too much...
Certainly is. My first version of the one with the gun was animated:
"I killed the President of Paraguay"
"with a fork"
But that *did* detract from him, so I left it plain.
I did two versions; I preferred this one. The other had the text in white on solid black.
How about cutting between four frames: picture, text, picture, text? That way you could have two yummy JC piccies too, which can only be a Good Thing.
Yes, I know :-( I just wanted to maximise JC's screen-time...
Ok, well, here's something I made earlier.
I haven't cut between two different pictures in the animated one, but I suppose I could. And the vignettes are v.funny, but I'm not sure that I would actually use them!
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