Jan 16, 2007 09:03
i am really loving the effect that my yoga class has had on me. for 90 minutes, i really do tune out of all the noise in my brain and really focus on what my body is doing. normally shutting off all of that noise is tough, but i find that it comes effortlessly during my yoga class. all and all, i think this was a super smart decision on my part.
work is going well.
not that these next few sentences will mean anything to anyone, but our CRM system just had a new release which means i spent all of yesterday writing code...and i'll probably be doing that all day today too, unless something comes up. i'm hoping it doesn't though, because as dorky as it makes me, i get really excited once i finish writing a rule properly. i just wish it was more the way i think about these sorts of things (usually as if-than statements, or if-and-only-if...i like logic), but its not. its all set up for people who don't think about rules like that, which makes me have to reverse my thinking.
and i guess its my turn in the writing-about-confusion thing. right now i'm just trying to actually understand what i feel about it all. like i told colleen, i'm feeling happy, annoyed, frustrated and giddy (and other things that i don't have the right words for). and i can't decide if this would be easier or harder if boston & nyc were closer.