(no subject)

Jan 19, 2013 21:59

I keep meaning to blog with regularity, but I feel I have nothing to say except complaints about my job and I don't want to be one of those blogs again. When I'm not working, I'm either at home RPing or out with friends, and I operate on this weird assumption that those are only interesting to people involved.

That said this is my blog and I do what I want, so let's talk about the RP. Right now we're playing out a plot that has been almost a year in the making, and not entirely because of grand scheming. My grandfather died a year ago on the twelfth, and the night before I posted an entry in which my character's elderly father had a massive heart attack followed by a near-death experience. At roughly four o'clock the following morning my grandfather died of a heart attack. (The part that I continue to feel guilty about is that I woke up around then freaking out and with a strong urge to call my grandfather. I ignored it and went back to bed.)

If I hadn't needed the distraction so badly (and let's be real, felt a tiny bit of obligation) I would have called the plot off and reworked it. But I did and I don't regret it.

I've actually made some vague resolutions, though only one will actually be finished in a year's time. The resolution in question is to manage my time in better ways. I've drifted away from my friends over the course of the past couple of years, and even though the group that most of them consist of do that periodically (Ricean vampires, I swear) I miss them/you guys like hell.

Another long-term resolution is to get into shape, with the end goal being to join the paid fire department by the time I'm thirty-two. I'm leaving myself open to the possibility that I may simply be too far gone as far as physical health goes, but I will feel better about myself if I try and fail than if I don't try. That sentence was only partly a lie.

The third (because I'm all about trios this year) is to determine my personal stance on religion/spirituality. While I naturally lean more toward an atheistic world-view, I've frankly seen and done too much to believe in the complete absence of anything. On the other hand, I view most if not all gods or their religions with a heavy level of suspicion and mockery.

This entry originally posted at http://glitterbats.dreamwidth.org/27949.html. Comments there get answered more quickly.
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