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Nov 10, 2010 22:08

pennydreadful's playlist for her NaNo project is making me want to write Papa D/Vesca fic, set in
impulseofwinter's canon to fit the mood (she was originally intended for a non-magic Gotham RP, so yeah.)

My main problem with writing her Vesca is that I'm not sure if he's a good man who's done very bad things, or if he's morally bankrupt one who happens to love his daughter.

I know that he's done and is doing his best to kill Aeron's magic (no exposure to nature, high-dose iron pills, possibly anti-psychotics.) She has no contact with Papa D's family, to the point that she's unaware she has a brother or that she's anything other than human. He's never taken her to a public physician, and done his best to keep her away from any religion or spirituality.

He's also not a demonstrative man, and Aeron herself describes him as scary-looking. They do love each other however, and his opinion means a lot to Aeron.

In this canon, Papa D and Vesca were lovers in university, during which time he encouraged Vesca's desire to join the FBI. Ironically it was the FBI that reunited them, as they ended up working together on a project for the United States government, during which time they became lovers again (though the [x amount of] years they'd been apart had left Papa D crueler, more distant.) This lasted until six months before Papa D's death, at which point he vanished with the virus and Vesca was one of the men who chased him. After his death Vesca had Papa D recorded as biologically female to explain the baby.

Aeron knows that her parents worked together and were lovers, and that she was delivered postmortem. She's also under the impression that Vesca killed Papa D, which may or may not be true, and that talking about her mother pains Vesca, which is both true and a convenient excuse to give few details. She's also met Leon, although she doesn't know his name or his connection to her 'mother'. He showed up one evening when she was about seven and left in the morning without breakfast, which led Aeron to believe he was a one-night stand of her father's that slept in.

I'm also not sure what's happened to Papa D's soul/memories. Aeron doesn't display any of them, though its possible that they've been suppressed. I'd considered Vesca having trapped Papa D's soul inside his body, but I more enjoy the thought that Vesca knows as much as he does about kami through hard work and research (and a few shady dealings.)

Thoughts? Seriously guys, how does this Vesca come across to y'all so far?
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